Saturday, 13 December 2008

Becoming a running bore

Oh dear, it's happened; I fear I have become a bore, over-thinking about my sport and over-talking about it to my suffering family. Reading this blog it may seem obvious that I already was one, but until last night I was fairly confident (perhaps delusional) that I was still on the right side of the fine line between hobby and obsession, now I think I am a 5m negative-split over it. I was telling my husband all about the minutiae of the different marathon training plans I had been studying when his attention for my running stories reached it's limit and he exploded, crying out "Argh! Why does it matter? Just pick one!"

Suddenly, my recent social life seemed to flash before my eyes and I realised how much I have been thinking about or talking about running. Running has been hovering in the background at parties and family events and entering into conversations with friends, parents, and complete strangers. My best friend and I have even arranged a run as part of a big Christmas get-together we've been looking forward to for ages, and planning since October!

What is most worrying about this is that I'm not even running very much at the moment. What will I be like when I reach the peak of marathon training again and have to plan eating, sleeping and even TV-watching around running? My poor husband!

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