Tuesday, 28 April 2009

London Marathon

Yay, I did it! I can't believe it's been almost a month since I wrote on this blog, but that month has been probably the most running-centric of my life. My training for this marathon was far more intense than the last time I tried, and thankfully it has paid off. Not so much in the time I took to get round, (4 hours 40) but because I feel great now, only two days later! Last time it took me a good few days to be able to walk down stairs, but today I am already itching to get back into my trainers.

Having said that, I must admit that my sunny disposition now is not a reflection of my feelings on the way round- on the day I hated the FLM and swore I would never do it again! I thought the race was hard psychologically, and I suffered from extreme back pain for the last third of the race which is not something I ever had on a run before and it wore me down. I didn't enjoy the crowded nature of the race and the constant jostling about and weaving between other runners, especially not when I got elbowed in the face at mile 19, when I was already feeling low and irrationally annoyed with everyone around me. The experience made me realise that I prefer quieter runs and the uplifting power of interesting scenery, and for my next challenge I think I will choose a smaller event. But at least I'm thinking about the next thing, which proves that I don't feel too bad!

Here are my overall highs and low for this years FLM:

  • The organisation, especially the transport of kit bags, and the smiling staff were fantastic
  • A blast of Bon Jovi around mile 22
  • Running behind two guys dressed as Baywatch characters and hearing the crowd's response ("I'll be ready...")
  • Glimpsing Buckingham Palace in the near distance and the yard markers counting down the remaining steps.
  • Wearing my medal on the train home and being congratulated by strangers!
  • Having to constantly weave around other runners/walkers and being pushed past
  • Being elbowed in the face
  • Dodging discarded bottles and other litter when your legs are dead tired
  • Back pain and finding that I'd slowed right down from 10 to 13 minute miles without even realising around mile 17 (and never recovering)
  • No shade to sit in at the end and struggling with my heavy bags on my own for ages before finding others- I just wanted to cry!

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