Monday 22 September 2008

Running Fuel

After today's 18 mile effort (and believe me it really felt like an effort after a weekend of partying!), I decided a treat was in order. This was partly brought on by all the hedgerows laden with blackberries that I passed on my run, which after about 12 miles set my mouth watering.

I've been collecting recipes from Runner's World for a while because I like their idea of healthy versions of classic dishes. However last time their recipes were put to the test was in what my friend Kate and I now refer to as the banana cake disaster. It's probably best left at that...

But I decided to give them another chance and tonight I made a Runner's Crumble, which turned out to be much more successful. The recipe uses oats and honey to reduce the amount of sugar and traditional butter/flour topping needed and only took about 30 mins to prepare and cook.

The picture does not do it justice, so you'll have to take me at my word when I say it was delicious. (Note the use of past tense- Gareth and I ate the whole thing in one sitting!)

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